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Athletic Greens, sometimes known as AG1, has taken the internet by storm as a convenient way to ensure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals. According to a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture1 (USDA), the average American only eats about 0.9 cups of fruit and 1.4 cups of vegetables each day—about half of the recommended amount as directed by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans—so it makes sense AG1 has skyrocketed in popularity. 

In this Athletic Greens review, we’ll be exploring the buzzy AG1 greens powder supplement, which is backed by professional athletes, health experts, and regular people alike, to help you decide if a $90 bag of powder with ingredients like artichoke leaf extract, wheatgrass juice powder, and prebiotics and probiotics can help you optimize your health. 

After personally using it every day for more than a year, our team of registered dietitians started researching the Athletic Greens nutrition by looking at factors such as:

  • Ingredients and formulation: Are there research-endorsed ingredients? Are they found in clinically-recommended doses?
  • Third-party testing: Is it safe for athletes or others who undergo drug testing?
  • Research: What does the scientific literature say?
  • Price: Is it worth the price tag?

Medical disclaimer: This article is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for medical advice. For health advice, contact a licensed healthcare provider.

We’re As Transparent As the Grass is Green, and We’ve Tested 40 Greens Powders

Our expert team filled with certified personal trainers, nutrition coaches, competitive weightlifters and triathletes, and registered dietitians who live to share our expertise with you. We know about everything from squat racks and barbells to supplements and vitamins, and we won’t hold back on our honest opinions about whether or not a product is worth the money as you navigate your health and fitness journey. 

We’ve tested more than 40 greens powders, including AG1, to understand why people love this health supplement. It also allows us to compare products to each other so you can find the right product for your health and fitness goals.

Honest AG1 Greens Review

Athletic Greens AG1

product image
GGR Score: 4.25

Product Highlights

  • Contains 75 minerals and nutrients in one serving
  • Available in travel pouches and bundle and save options
  • Said to support gut health with prebiotics, probiotics, and naturally occuring enzymes
  • Supports immunity with key ingredients like vitamin C and mushrooms
  • Magnesium is added to boost energy
  • May aid in recovery as it features superfood complex with adaptogens and antioxidants

Pros & Cons


  • Backed by notable health experts
  • Transparent and detailed ingredient list
  • 75 vitamins and minerals


  • Expensive
  • Some reviewers dislike the taste

Bottom Line

If you’re looking for a greens powder with a unique blend of minerals, nutrients, power greens, enzymes, and probiotics and you're willing to spend some money, Athletic Greens may be a good choice for you.

A Quick Look at Athletic Greens (AG1)

athletic greens packaging

Athletic Greens AG1 is a powdered greens supplement that’s vegetarian, vegan, paleo, and keto. According to the company, it provides support in energy, immunity, gut health, hormonal and neural support, and healthy aging, with the health benefits showing themselves in as little as a few days up to a few weeks after consistent use. 

The company was founded by Chris Ashenden, who experienced his own health struggles and decided to create a product that could help others who were struggling with nutrient absorption. The product is still manufactured in New Zealand, where Ashenden is from, and is backed by a Scientific Advisory Board with names like Dr. Andrew Huberman and Dr. Peter Attia.

Before You Buy

  • Check with your doctor to make sure none of the 75 Athletic Greens ingredients interfere with any medications you take. 
  • Weigh the subscription and one-time purchase options—you can save money if you sign up for the monthly subscription, especially if more than one person in your household takes AG1.

Is Athletic Greens Worth It?

I didn’t notice any negative side effects while taking Athletic Greens, but I also can’t say that I noticed any huge positive side effects either. I just like the peace of mind knowing that I’m getting more micronutrients than are in my diet already, and it’s a healthy habit that I can feel good every day.

So should you drop around $100 for it? While superfood powder is no substitute for real fruits and vegetables—you’ll get more fiber and hydration from digesting while foods, plus it’s cheaper—the AG1 supplement could be a worthwhile purchase for people who have higher nutrient needs (such as athletes), follow a restrictive diet that limits micronutrient intake, or those who don’t have access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

“I just like the peace of mind knowing that I’m getting more micronutrients than are in my diet already, and it’s a healthy habit that I can feel good every day.”

Nicole davis, certified personal trainer

Here’s who should consider taking this all-in-one super greens supplement, and who shouldn’t spend the cash.

Great for:

  • Those who struggle to eat enough fruits and vegetables amongst a generally well-balanced diet and want to supplement their intake
  • Those who want the extra reassurance of added vitamins, minerals, and nutrients

Not recommended for:

  • Those who have medicine contraindications 
  • Those on a budget 
  • Those who want to substitute powder for real fruits and vegetables in their diet
athletic greens nutrition facts

Athletic Greens Specs

Price$99 for 30-serving pouch 
Price per serving$3.30
FlavorNo flavor options 
Recommended UseMix 1 scoop with 8 to 12 ounces of cold water, or the beverage of your choice. Drink on an empty stomach to optimize nutrient absorption.
VitaminsAlpha lipoic acid (ALA), biotin, bromelain, CoQ10, folate, methylcobalamin, niacin (nicotinamide), niacin (nicotinic acid), pantothenic acid, riboflavin (B2), thiamine (B1), vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K2
MineralsCalcium carbonate, calcium citrate, calcium phosphate, chromium picolinate, copper, magnesium glycinate, manganese, potassium, potassium phosphate, selenium, sodium, zinc citrate
Whole food-sourced nutrientsAcerola, alfalfa, apple, artichoke, barley grass, bilberry, bioflavonoids, broccoli flower, carrots, cocoa bean polyphenol extract, hawthorn berry, Lycium berry, papaya (Carica papaya), pea protein, pineapple, spinach, spirulina, stevia
ProbioticsBifidobacterium bifidum, inulin, lactobacillus acidophilus (38 mg total)
Adaptogens Ashwagandha, Astragalus, beet powder, burdock root, chlorella, citric acid, dandelion root, eleuthero root, ginger, grape seed extract, green tea extract, kelp, lecithin, licorice, milk thistle, policosanol, reishi mushroom, rhodiola, rose hips, rosemary, shiitake mushroom, slippery elm

A Certified Nutrition Coach’s Experience Using Athletic Greens  

As a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach who was the lucky guinea pig who got to test AG1, I was a skeptic at first. My recreational triathlete and health enthusiast husband had actually been taking AG1 for quite a while before I officially tested it, and I just didn’t understand what the fuss was about. He claimed it made him feel more energized—he even cut down on coffee for a while—and more importantly, it helped with his digestion.

So I ordered mine, opened the beautiful packaging—I’m a sucker for this kind of thing, so AG1 won points from the jump—and started the regime (a scoop, daily, in 8 ounces of cold water). 

I’ll give the flavor a 4.5 out of 5, which is one of the highest taste scores the GGR team gave to any greens powder. It’s mild and a bit grassy (to be expected), but I get a pineapple-vanilla flavor. It’s very pleasant. The mixability was also a 4.5 out of 5—no issues for the most part, but some of our testers found there was a slight grittiness.

I never took it on an empty stomach, and usually always had it with water. I typically took it mid-morning or mid-afternoon (after breakfast or after lunch). I did mix it with juice a few times—I think OJ if I’m remembering correctly—and it was good that way, but I also preferred it with water and ice.

I didn’t notice any significant difference after taking AG1 fairly consistently over a 12-month span. What I did appreciate, though, was the peace of mind I got from knowing I was consuming a lot of nutrients when my diet was potentially lacking in some areas.  

A few of my teammates at GGR have also tried AG1, including GGR senior fitness writer and certified sports nutrition coach Amanda Capritto, who says that it’s one of the more palatable greens powders that she’s tried, especially when mixed with orange juice.

“Physiologically, I don’t think there’s much benefit (especially if you eat a lot of produce), but for me, greens powders work as a nice motivator to make me drink water in the morning. (Not because they taste good, but because I paid for them and I’ll be damned if I waste them!)”

Logan Block, GGR director of revenue, has also tried AG1, and felt similarly to me. “I think it’s a good option if you’re looking for a greens powder,” he explains. “I didn’t personally find that having a green drink every morning made that much of a difference in how I was feeling, but others who don’t eat breakfast on the regular might find it helpful.”

AG1 Price Per Serving 

athetic greens mixed in a bottle

The price per serving of AG1 varies slightly based on the Pouch or Travel Pack pricing; if you order the pouch, you’ll expect to pay about $3.30 per serving for a one-time purchase. The travel packs are a bit more at about $3.63 per serving for a one-time purchase. Both also offer subscription options that take the price per serving down considerably. 

One-Time PurchaseOne package per month (30 servings)Two packages per month (60 servings)
AG1 Pouch$99 ($3.30 per serving)$79 ($2.63 per serving)$149 ($2.48 per serving)
AG1 Travel Pack$109 ($3.63 per serving)$89 ($2.97 per serving)$169 ($2.82 per serving)

Even with the subscription savings, the high cost-per-serving brings AG1’s price score to a 1 out of 5.

We’ve done quite a bit of research on a variety of greens powders, and AG1 is the most expensive by far; on average, price per serving among other popular greens supplements like Nested Naturals and Amazing Grass is about $1.50. AG1 is high-quality, for sure, but that’s a big jump in price from other reputable options.

AG1 Formulation — What’s in Athletic Greens?

Registered dietitian Bob Iafelice is a supplements expert who reviewed AG1 in our roundup of the best greens powders, and in his mind, this supplement has it all for a 5 out of 5 on formulation. 

If you take a look at the label on AG1, it can be overwhelming to say the least. The easiest thing to understand is that each serving has 50 calories with 6 grams of carbs, 2 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fiber.

Then, we get into the nitty-gritty. There are 75 ingredients in this supplement, including vitamins, minerals, whole-food sourced nutrients, probiotics, and adaptogens, many of which are included in four “complexes”: 

  • Alkaline, Nutrient-Dense Raw Superfood complex: whole foods, fruits, and vegetables. Several ingredients in this complex are linked to gastrointestinal health (apple powder), blood sugar regulation (alfafa powder), and improved pain management (papaya powder). It also contains spirulina, a superfood that has been linked with lower blood pressure and cholesterol, though more studies are needed on those claims.
  • Nutrient-Dense Extracts, Herbs, and Antioxidants complex: plant and herb extracts, and adaptogens. Plants have been used in healthcare for centuries, and while researchers say there are some benefits—such as reducing stress—more human-based research needs to be done. Adaptogens are another substance linked to decreased stress. AG1 Greens contains ashwagandha, one of the most popular adaptogens.
  • Digestive Enzyme and Super Mushroom complex: enzymes and mushrooms to help with digestion. While mostly used to prevent gastrointestinal distress (such as flatulence and indigestion), some ingredients in this complex are also linked to cardiovascular health (bromelain). Reishi mushrooms have also been linked to overall immune health.
  • Dairy-Free Probiotics complex: probiotics to help with gut health. Lactobacillus acidophilus has been linked to treating and preventing irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and other gastrointestinal conditions.

AG1 has 100 percent of the recommended daily dose of vitamin B6, vitamin B12, biotin, vitamin C, vitamin E, folate, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, and zinc.

Notable vitamins and minerals included are:

  • Vitamin A2: Important for vision, the immune system, reproduction, and growth development
  • Vitamin C3: Helps protect cells and maintain healthy skin, blood vessels, bone, and cartilage
  • Vitamin E4: Helps to maintain health skin and eyes, and strengthen the immune system
  • B vitamins5: These do a range of jobs, including assisting enzyme function, releasing energy, and transporting nutrients around the body
  • Calcium6: Supports strong bones and teeth, but also helps with blood clotting, muscle contraction, and regulating heart rhythm 
  • Potassium7: Helps maintain fluid levels inside of cells
  • Selenium8: Assists in protection of cells and creation of DNA
  • Zinc9: Assists in DNA creation, cell growth, building proteins, and immune system support

Notably absent from AG1 is vitamin D, which helps regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in the body. (Athletic Greens does sell an additional Vitamin D3+K2 supplement that you can buy separately, but be aware of over-supplementation and ask your doctor about other all vitamins and supplements before use.)

Circling back to “complexes,” though; there’s one thing to know. These are essentially proprietary blends, meaning we don’t know how much of a specific ingredient is in each complex. This is important, and here’s why: To reap the benefits of many of these vitamins, minerals, and nutrients—plus monitor any potential contraindications or side effects—you need to consume a research-backed dosage. 

For example, a 2020 meta-analysis published in Nutrients10 on the effects of chlorella as a dietary supplement found that a range of 5 to 10 grams of chlorella per day was necessary to see positive effects on blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. Although chlorella is listed as an ingredient in AG1’s Alkaline, Nutrient-Dense Raw Superfood complex, we have no idea how much is present, and thus can’t determine if we’re receiving that minimum dosage shown to be effective by research. 

So while, yes, AG1 contains a plethora of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, there are some characteristics of the formulation that make me take pause; it’s definitely not a fit for everyone, as we’ll dive into more below.  

Recommended Usage and Interactions of Athletic Greens

Athletic Greens recommends, in an ideal world, that you consume AG1 first thing in the morning on an empty stomach with 8 to 10 ounces of cold water to “optimize absorption,” but also says it can be taken at any point throughout the day that works for you. Fat-soluble vitamins need some fat, so if you do take AG1 on an empty stomach, try to eat breakfast soon after.

Also, while you can mix AG1 with other liquids besides water, it’s advised against using hot or highly acidic liquids, as these can affect the efficacy of some of the ingredients. 

You should aim for one serving daily according to the company, and store the powder in the refrigerator so as to preserve the integrity of the probiotics and whole-food sources in the formula. If you forget to store your AG1 in the fridge for a long period of time, it may lose some of its original efficacy. 

The powder does expire after 90 days of opening—the expiration date is listed on each package. If you can’t commit to taking one serving daily, it’s something to consider, as this will make AG1 even more expensive than it already is. 

There are potential drug interactions to be aware of if you’re considering AG1, as well, including the effect of vitamin E11 and vitamin K12 on antibiotics, cholesterol meds, and blood thinners. Always check with your doctor before starting a new dietary supplement to ensure it’s safe for you. 

Claims and Potential Benefits of Athletic Greens

According to Athletic Greens, many members report “feeling sustained energy, having fewer cravings, and more balanced gut health over the course of the first month or so. Other common benefits include healthy skin, promoting hair and nail growth, improved concentration, and support recovery after physical activity.”    

Unfortunately, there’s limited research available on the effectiveness of greens powders in general, so all of these reported benefits are anecdotal. Does this mean greens powders are not beneficial? Not necessarily, but take the testimonials with a grain of salt. 

AG1 Taste and Solubility

I’m always trepidatious before my first sip of a new greens powder, expecting my mouth to fill with the flavor of straight grass. But thankfully, that’s not what you get with AG1. While the powder itself isn’t named with a flavor and there are no flavor options, it tastes mildly like pineapple and vanilla with earthy hints. It is slightly sweet, due to the small amount of Stevia used, but no artificial sweeteners are present. 

Overall, the taste is A-OK in my book, and I have no problems drinking AG1 on its own mixed with water and ice. Solubility is just mediocre, though. If you shake AG1 up and drink it immediately, it’s pretty smooth. However, if you’re a sipper like me, you will notice some settling of powder at the bottom after a while, so you’ll have to re-shake before taking another chug. Not ideal, but not the end of the world. 

AG1 Third-Party Testing 

Because dietary supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), earning a third-party certification through an organization like NSF, Informed Choice, or Banned Substance Control Group (BSCG) is an important criteria. This means that a neutral party has confirmed that what’s on the nutrition label is in fact inside the product, and no banned substances are present. 

Athletic Greens shines in this area, as its product is NSF Certified for Sport, which means athletes can rest easy knowing that they can take AG1 and won’t fail a drug test. 

AG1 Greens Trustworthiness

AG1 touts itself as a “science-driven” supplement that’s third-party tested and trusted by “leading doctors and scientists.” The company has a team of researchers who have doctorates in Immunology and Microbiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Integrative Medicine, and Exercise Physiology.

There are multiple Athletic Greens scientific reviews linked on the website touting the product’s health benefits, though it should be noted that any study sponsored or paid for by a supplement company should be taken with a grain of salt. Does it mean the studies are inaccurate? Not necessarily, but some companies have set up studies to reach a desired result. Ideally, we’d like to see an independent AG1 study performed by researchers with no connections to the company.

As of this writing, AG1 has a D- rating with the Better Business Bureau and is not BBB-accredited. The complaints revolve around customers not being able to cancel their subscription and being charged for products they didn’t order. One customer also complained of several bags of AG1 greens not being delivered to their house.

Athletic Greens Vs. Supergreen Tonik 

Supergreen Tonik

Supergreen Tonik

product image
GGR Score: 3.1

Product Highlights

  • Includes 38 raw superfoods, vitamins, adaptogens, and minerals
  • Formulated to support sleep, immunity, energy, and stress levels
  • Minty flavor intended to mask the grassy taste
  • Includes kale, ashwagandha root extract, and ginkgo biloba, which have been linked to improved sleep and reduced stress
  • Vegetarian, 100% natural, and free from additives, soy, and dairy

Pros & Cons


  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Transparent ingredient list
  • Mixes well
  • Has a minty taste, which masks the grassy taste of green powder


  • Expensive

Bottom Line

If you don’t mind spending top dollar for powdered greens, Supergreen Tonik may be for you as it contains 38 raw superfoods, vitamins, and minerals.

Supergreen Tonik is another popular greens powder on the market, but unlike AG1, it discloses all ingredients and their amounts on its label. It contains 16 superfoods and 18 vitamins and minerals, and is available in a Berry flavor (also sweetened with Stevia). Full disclosure that I didn’t really care for the flavor of this one, but it has many fans. 

Supergreen Tonik comes out to about $2.85 per serving for a one-month supply, so it is cheaper than AG1, but claims to have similar benefits of increased energy, immune system support, and better mental clarity. 

Supergreen Tonik does not have as big of a fan base as Athletic Greens, but it could still be an option for you if you’re in the market for a greens powder that’s a bit cheaper than AG1, or if you want to try a different flavor.  

Customer Experience 

In general, customers have had a pleasant experience with Athletic Greens’ customer service, many saying that the team went above and beyond to ensure their satisfaction. 

Customer Courtney S. said, “I had a new bag of greens that arrived and they tasted really funny to me. I reached out to the company and they overnighted a new bag free of charge without a question!”

The subscription offers also come with a 90-day money-back guarantee—you can just reach out to the company via email and request a refund, no questions asked.

Ordering Athletic Greens 

You can order AG1 through the Athletic Greens website or from Amazon. 

You’ll have the option of choosing The Pouch, which is a 30-serving bag, or Travel Packs, which are 30 individual packets that you can take with you on the go. 

For either plan, you can choose a Single Subscription, which is 30 servings shipped monthly, the Double Subscription, which is 60 servings shipped monthly, or a one-time 30-serving purchase. Currently, both subscription plans are coming with some bonus adds; with the Single Subscription you’ll get a starter kit with a canister, shaker, and five travel packs, and with the Double Subscription you’ll get a starter kit plus a year’s supply of Vitamin D3+K2. 

Both subscription plans come with a 90-day money-back guarantee, and you can pause or cancel at any time. 

Pricing is as follows:

The Pouch:

  • Single Subscription: $79
  • Double Subscription: $149
  • One-Time Purchase: $99

Travel Packs:

  • Single Subscription: $89
  • Double Subscription: $169
  • One-Time Purchase: $109

AG1 Customer Reviews

On its website, AG1 has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars with more than 20,000 reviews. 

Happy customers claim the supplement has helped them feel more energetic and have better digestive health, and have great things to say about the company’s customer service.

A positive review of the Athletic Greens

Those who rated the product negatively thought that it cost too much money compared to other greens supplements available on the market, and still others thought it tasted bad and had a chalky consistency.

A critical review of the Athletic Greens

Final Verdict of Our Athletic Greens Review

While the efficacy of greens powders has yet to be proven by science, AG1 has a loyal base of customers who swear by it. 

  • As a greens supplement, AG1 is first-class, sourcing high-quality ingredients, using top-notch manufacturing practices, and attaining third-party certification. 
  • With 75 ingredients, it’s important to check and make sure that nothing will interfere with medications you’re taking.
  • This supplement won’t replace eating a healthy diet full of real fruits and vegetables.

Athletic Greens Rating

Athletic Greens

Greens powders are having a moment, and in this Athletic Greens review, I’ll let you know if this pricey supplement deserves a spot in your routine.

Product Currency: $

Product Price: 99

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:

Athletic Greens

Price Per Serving – 2
Formulation – 4
Taste – 4
Solubility – 3.5
Side Effects – 4
Third-Party Testing – 5
Customer Service – 5
Customer Reviews – 4.5
Buy Now

Athletic Greens Review FAQs

Are Athletic Greens worthwhile?

While there’s very limited research that demonstrates the effectiveness of greens powders like Athletic Greens AG1, the company’s loyal fan base claims increased energy, better digestion, and better skin among the benefits. You’d be able to get many of the same benefits by incorporating more produce into your diet, however.   

What does Athletic Greens do for your body?

Reported benefits of Athletic Greens AG1 include support in energy, immunity and gut health, hormonal and neural support, and healthy aging, according to the company. That said, there is very limited research available that supports the benefits of greens powders as a category.

What are the potential negative side effects of Athletic Greens?

Unless you’re allergic to any of its ingredients, there are no negative side effects of Athletic Greens, otherwise known as AG1.

Does Athletic Greens replace a multivitamin?

If you’re taking Athletic Greens, there’s no need to take a multivitamin as you’ll get many of the same nutrients in it. Multivitamins tend to be cheaper than Athletic Greens, however, so keep that in mind.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.

Does AG1 help with weight loss?

No, AG1 Greens Powder doesn’t help with weight loss. Weight loss is a matter of calories in and calories out, and the only way you can change that equation is eating fewer calories or burning more of them. AG1 Greens may help with some bodily processes that can help with weight loss, but it won’t help you lose weight unless you change your diet or physical activity levels.


  1. Stewart H, Hyman J. Americans Still Can Meet Fruit and Vegetable Dietary Guidelines for $2.10-$2.60 per Day. USDA Economic Research Service. 2019 June 3.
  2. Vitamin A and Carotenoids. National Institute of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. 2022 Aug 12.
  3. Vitamin C. NHS. 2020 Aug 3.
  4. Vitamin E. NHS. 2020 Aug 3.
  5. B Vitamins. The Nutrition Source. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. 
  6. Calcium. The Nutrition Source. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
  7. Potassium. The Nutrition Source. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
  8. Selenium. The Nutrition Source. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
  9. Zinc. The Nutrition Source. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
  10. Bito T, Okumura E, Fujishima M, Watanabe F. Potential of Chlorella as a Dietary Supplement to Promote Human Health. Nutrients. 2020 Aug 20;12(9):2524. doi: 10.3390/nu12092524. PMID: 32825362; PMCID: PMC7551956.
  11. Podszun M, Frank J. Vitamin E-drug interactions: molecular basis and clinical relevance. Nutr Res Rev. 2014 Dec;27(2):215-31. doi: 10.1017/S0954422414000146. Epub 2014 Sep 16. PMID: 25225959.
  12. Vitamin K Fact Sheet for Professionals. National Institute of Health Office of Dietary Supplements. 2021 March 29. 

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