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GymAware is the leading tool to measure barbell performance, velocity and power.
“I have said it before and I will say it again, GymAware is the absolute Rolls Royce of VBT devices. Categories: Velocity Trackers
Product Summary
GymAware is the leading tool to measure barbell performance, velocity and power.
“I have said it before and I will say it again, GymAware is the absolute Rolls Royce of VBT devices. If you want to examine velocity, movement and performance in the weight room, this thing can do it. It’s a game changer for VBT. “
J. Bryan Mann, PhD University of Missouri
GymAware is the gold standard Linear Positional Transducer (LPT with angle measurement) for measuring performance, implementing Velocity Based Training and monitoring power.
Designed specifically for researchers and teams, GymAware’s engaging interface, multiple real-time leaderboards, 1RM reports and video analysis make it the only system which delivers the accuracy and features desired by coaches and scientists worldwide.
Designed and produced in Australia, GymAware is used by elite sporting teams and institutions internationally. GymAware offers scientifically-validated and actionable metrics that will help improve your athletes.
GymAware has the worlds largest repository of strength related data – for over 15yrs coaches have been benefiting from the features of the GymAware Cloud. GymAware has been validated by the Australian Institute of Sport and is extensively used in research papers worldwide.
Velocity Based Training
Designed specifically for teams
Train for performance with pre-set targets and ranges.
Use velocity to determine load, optimize and individualize your athletes strength training. Remove the guesswork; set target zones based on training goals (Strength, Power or Speed). Use big screen TV’s to display team summaries on the Velocity and Target Zone boards.
GymAware has been extensively and independently validated.
Lift Intelligence TM – an industry first
GymAware’s Auto-Record feature automatically detects bar movement. There is no need to start and stop a set, leaving the athlete and coach to focus on the lift.
Power and Strength Analysis
Produce game winning performances
Measure your athletes efforts in the weights room
With GymAware, you can easily benchmark and track performance with inbuilt protocols – force/velocity profiles can be automatically generated from the Cloud. Power drives the fastest sprints and breaks the hardest tackles; by training for Power you are training to win!
The unrivaled iPad App provides rep by rep feedback on key metrics. Athletes are challenged on each and every rep. Competition has never been greater.
Instant feedback
Velocity zones, targets and leaderboards
Motivate your athletes to perform at their best by providing instant feedback in the weight room. Display the Leader-board on a big screen to create a competitive environment and real intent to lift.
Use the Velocity zones and targets board to quickly assess who is staying with the program.
GymAware Cloud
Data kept safe
Get the smarts with GymAware
Technology will shape the future of professional sport, and the analysis of real-time data will play a large role in this.
Yearly subscription option for teams which gives full access to inbuilt reporting functions, training boards, leader-boards and on-line analysis with a secure login via
On-line data management packages are available with GymAware Cloud. Upload all results into “the cloud” for backup, reporting and analysis.
- Sync athlete’s results to online storage for later export and analysis with tools like Excel.
- View historical performances, export results and set individual performance targets.
- GymAware Cloud is optimised for tracking multiple athletes. Organise athletes into as many squads as needed to get the work done, then target data entry based on squads.
- Keep multiple devices “in-sync” – collect results and body weights at multiple stations, then sync to all devices.
- Results accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.
- Access a range of automated summary reports for immediate analysis through
- View direct on the iOS devi