Design Team: Block Library

This is for Design Team only. We are utilizing this page to review all P/BL Blocks for QA and other testings.


Quote Icons


Bacon ipsum dolor amet shank picanha salami ribeye t-bone. Prosciutto shank swine tongue.

Capicola cupim jowl t-bone kielbasa tenderloin buffalo meatball bacon doner tongue. Filet mignon short loin bresaola ribeye, jowl shank chislic swine meatball drumstick turkey cow porchetta biltong.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet shank picanha salami ribeye t-bone.

Filet mignon short loin bresaola ribeye, jowl shank chislic swine meatball drumstick turkey cow porchetta biltong.

Porchetta shank spare ribs meatloaf tail.

Beef ribs spare ribs porchetta rump sirloin salami. Shank jowl pancetta pork loin shoulder hamburger.

Positive/Negative Icons


Bacon ipsum dolor amet shank picanha salami ribeye t-bone. Prosciutto shank swine tongue.

Capicola cupim jowl t-bone kielbasa tenderloin buffalo meatball bacon doner tongue. Filet mignon short loin bresaola ribeye, jowl shank chislic swine meatball drumstick turkey cow porchetta biltong.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet shank picanha salami ribeye t-bone.

Filet mignon short loin bresaola ribeye, jowl shank chislic swine meatball drumstick turkey cow porchetta biltong.

Porchetta shank spare ribs meatloaf tail.

Beef ribs spare ribs porchetta rump sirloin salami. Shank jowl pancetta pork loin shoulder hamburger.

Author Bio

Design Team

Design Team


About Author

Bacon ipsum dolor amet chicken tongue pork belly pancetta meatball. Boudin kevin biltong shoulder andouille filet mignon turkey turducken chicken. Bresaola rump pancetta, cupim chislic spare ribs porchetta tongue turkey shankle venison ball tip pork chop picanha. Pork loin corned beef salami hamburger pig venison pancetta fatback frankfurter doner ham hock. Fatback chuck tail frankfurter, chicken pork belly porchetta ham hock bacon. Kevin shankle ham hock hamburger capicola chicken tongue landjaeger pork bresaola bacon rump.

Education & Credentials

  • Porchetta shank spare ribs meatloaf tail.
  • Landjaeger pancetta chislic, venison ball tip leberkas corned beef.
  • Biltong tenderloin beef ribs bresaola turkey leberkas shankle spare ribs bacon tongue meatloaf jerky landjaeger.


  • Kevin pork chop fatback #
  • Salami porchetta picanha #


  • Salami porchetta picanha, turkey shoulder beef ribs ham pancetta cow.


  • Kevin capicola sirloin, meatloaf filet mignon corned beef salami spare ribs pastrami cupim meatball doner landjaeger buffalo venison.


  • Boudin beef ribs pork loin pork belly ham short ribs capicola tri-tip. Beef ribs chislic biltong strip steak, bacon corned beef sirloin turducken.


  • Strip steak beef ribs prosciutto chuck tenderloin jerky. Beef short loin picanha pastrami, boudin tongue short ribs swine venison ham cupim bacon frankfurter.

Callout Box

Header & Text (Default)

Title of Block

Bresaola rump pancetta, cupim chislic spare ribs porchetta tongue turkey shankle venison ball tip pork chop picanha. Pork loin corned beef salami hamburger pig venison pancetta fatback frankfurter doner ham hock. Fatback chuck tail frankfurter, chicken pork belly porchetta ham hock bacon. Kevin shankle ham hock hamburger capicola chicken tongue landjaeger pork bresaola bacon rump.

Header & Text w/ Logo (Option)

Title of Block

Bresaola rump pancetta, cupim chislic spare ribs porchetta tongue turkey shankle venison ball tip pork chop picanha. Pork loin corned beef salami hamburger pig venison pancetta fatback frankfurter doner ham hock. Fatback chuck tail frankfurter, chicken pork belly porchetta ham hock bacon. Kevin shankle ham hock hamburger capicola chicken tongue landjaeger pork bresaola bacon rump.

Text w/ Logo (Option)

Bresaola rump pancetta, cupim chislic spare ribs porchetta tongue turkey shankle venison ball tip pork chop picanha. Pork loin corned beef salami hamburger pig venison pancetta fatback frankfurter doner ham hock. Fatback chuck tail frankfurter, chicken pork belly porchetta ham hock bacon. Kevin shankle ham hock hamburger capicola chicken tongue landjaeger pork bresaola bacon rump.

Text Only (Option)

Bresaola rump pancetta, cupim chislic spare ribs porchetta tongue turkey shankle venison ball tip pork chop picanha. Pork loin corned beef salami hamburger pig venison pancetta fatback frankfurter doner ham hock. Fatback chuck tail frankfurter, chicken pork belly porchetta ham hock bacon. Kevin shankle ham hock hamburger capicola chicken tongue landjaeger pork bresaola bacon rump.

Bullet Point List (Option)

Title of Block

  • Bresaola rump pancetta, cupim chislic spare ribs porchetta tongue turkey shankle venison ball tip pork chop picanha.
  • Pork loin corned beef salami hamburger pig venison pancetta fatback frankfurter doner ham hock.
  • Fatback chuck tail frankfurter, chicken pork belly porchetta ham hock bacon.
  • Kevin shankle ham hock hamburger capicola chicken tongue landjaeger pork bresaola bacon rump.

Category Filters (part of Image and Text in CMS)

Icon Filter


16:9 Image Filter

Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card

Category Card Filter

Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card Title of Card

Countdown Timer

No Photo

Countdown Timer


With Photo

Countdown Timer Image


Offer Ends October 1, 2027

Data Viz

Circle Ratings

Title of Block


Fitness 2
Fitness 3
Fitness 4
Fitness 5
Fitness 6
Fitness 7
Fitness 8
Fitness 9
Fitness 10
Fitness 11
Fitness 12

Fill Bar

Title of Block

Fitness – 5
Fitness 2 – 4.75
Fitness 3 – 4.5
Fitness 4 – 4.25
Fitness 5 – 4
Fitness 6 – 3.75
Fitness 7 – 3.5
Fitness 8 – 3.25
Fitness 9 – 3
Fitness 10 – 2.75
Fitness 11 – 2.5
Fitness 12 – 2.25

Expanded Byline

Expert Reviewer

Awesome Person


Bacon ipsum dolor amet venison pancetta beef burgdoggen porchetta andouille, sausage chicken salami t-bone ground round bresaola doner picanha meatloaf. Swine pancetta short loin ball tip. Chuck jowl bacon spare ribs pig meatloaf leberkas buffalo sausage tenderloin pork loin. Andouille chuck bresaola shoulder pastrami. Tenderloin porchetta hamburger, fatback short loin shank venison andouille prosciutto.

Porchetta pork chop meatball rump. Jowl salami ham pig shoulder biltong beef short ribs pork belly tail sausage picanha. Shoulder t-bone drumstick landjaeger frankfurter cupim sirloin hamburger fatback. Ham shank short loin bacon short ribs rump frankfurter beef tri-tip t-bone prosciutto ground round flank pastrami beef ribs. SirlQAAoin strip steak venison cow.

Image Cards (part of Image & Text in CMS)

Book Cover

Title of Card

Title of Card

Swine pancetta short loin ball tip. Chuck jowl bacon spare ribs pig meatloaf leberkas buffalo sausage tenderloin pork loin. Andouille chuck bresaola shoulder pastrami.

Title of Card

Title of Card

Swine pancetta short loin ball tip. Chuck jowl bacon spare ribs pig meatloaf leberkas buffalo sausage tenderloin pork loin. Andouille chuck bresaola shoulder pastrami.

Title of Card

Title of Card

Swine pancetta short loin ball tip. Chuck jowl bacon spare ribs pig meatloaf leberkas buffalo sausage tenderloin pork loin. Andouille chuck bresaola shoulder pastrami.

Title of Card

Title of Card

Swine pancetta short loin ball tip. Chuck jowl bacon spare ribs pig meatloaf leberkas buffalo sausage tenderloin pork loin. Andouille chuck bresaola shoulder pastrami.

Informational Card Icons

Title of Card

Title of Card

Beef ribs spare ribs porchetta rump sirloin salami. Shank jowl pancetta pork loin shoulder hamburger.

Title of Card

Title of Card

Beef ribs spare ribs porchetta rump sirloin salami. Shank jowl pancetta pork loin shoulder hamburger.

Title of Card

Title of Card

Beef ribs spare ribs porchetta rump sirloin salami. Shank jowl pancetta pork loin shoulder hamburger.

Title of Card

Title of Card

Beef ribs spare ribs porchetta rump sirloin salami. Shank jowl pancetta pork loin shoulder hamburger.

Title of Card

Title of Card

Beef ribs spare ribs porchetta rump sirloin salami. Shank jowl pancetta pork loin shoulder hamburger.

Title of Card

Title of Card

Beef ribs spare ribs porchetta rump sirloin salami. Shank jowl pancetta pork loin shoulder hamburger.

Title of Card

Title of Card

Beef ribs spare ribs porchetta rump sirloin salami. Shank jowl pancetta pork loin shoulder hamburger.

Title of Card

Title of Card

Beef ribs spare ribs porchetta rump sirloin salami. Shank jowl pancetta pork loin shoulder hamburger.

Circle Cover

Circle Image

Circle Image

Beef ribs spare ribs porchetta rump sirloin salami. Shank jowl pancetta pork loin shoulder hamburger.

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List w/ Icon

List w/ Icon
  • List 1
  • List 2
  • List 3
  • List 4
  • List 5
  • List 6
  • List 7

Product Rows


Product Specific

:ratio KETO Friendly Bars

:ratio KETO Friendly Bars

  • Variety of Keto Friendly Bars include both soft baked bars and crunchy bars 
  • Offered in 2 flavors, the soft baked bars are gluten-free with approximately 2 net carbs and feature almond flour, pecans, and chocolate chunks
  • Crunchy bars are available in 4 flavors each with approximately 2 net carbs and feature both almonds and pumpkin seeds
  • Soft baked bars deliver 100 cal, 9 g of fat, 11 g of total carbohydrates, 5 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar, 4 g of sugar alcohols, and 3 g of protein
  • Crunchy Keto Friendly Bars contain 220 cal, 17 g of fat, 9 g of total carbohydrates, 3 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar, 4 g of sugar alcohol, and 12 g of protein
View Product
1KILO 2-Ply Knee Sleeves

1KILO 2-Ply Knee Sleeves

  • Designed by weightlifter and coach Wil Fleming
  • 2 layers of fabric
  • Proprietary fabric with stretch and support
  • Great blend of compression and mobility
  • IWF-legal
  • Pull tabs for easily putting them on
View Product
1st Phorm BCAAs

1st Phorm BCAAs

  • Available in 5 different flavors
  • Each serving costs $1.12
  • No added sugar but reviewers report great-tasting flavors
  • Has research-backed doses of all branched-chain amino acids
  • Can subscribe for monthly delivery to save money
View Product
1KILO 2-Ply Knee Sleeves

1KILO 2-Ply Knee Sleeves

  • Designed by weightlifter and coach Wil Fleming
  • 2 layers of fabric
  • Proprietary fabric with stretch and support
  • Great blend of compression and mobility
  • IWF-legal
  • Pull tabs for easily putting them on
View Product

Featured Review

:ratio KETO Friendly Bars

:ratio KETO Friendly Bars

  • Variety of Keto Friendly Bars include both soft baked bars and crunchy bars 
  • Offered in 2 flavors, the soft baked bars are gluten-free with approximately 2 net carbs and feature almond flour, pecans, and chocolate chunks
  • Crunchy bars are available in 4 flavors each with approximately 2 net carbs and feature both almonds and pumpkin seeds
  • Soft baked bars deliver 100 cal, 9 g of fat, 11 g of total carbohydrates, 5 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar, 4 g of sugar alcohols, and 3 g of protein
  • Crunchy Keto Friendly Bars contain 220 cal, 17 g of fat, 9 g of total carbohydrates, 3 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar, 4 g of sugar alcohol, and 12 g of protein
View Product
1KILO 2-Ply Knee Sleeves

1KILO 2-Ply Knee Sleeves

  • Designed by weightlifter and coach Wil Fleming
  • 2 layers of fabric
  • Proprietary fabric with stretch and support
  • Great blend of compression and mobility
  • IWF-legal
  • Pull tabs for easily putting them on
View Product
1st Phorm BCAAs

1st Phorm BCAAs

  • Available in 5 different flavors
  • Each serving costs $1.12
  • No added sugar but reviewers report great-tasting flavors
  • Has research-backed doses of all branched-chain amino acids
  • Can subscribe for monthly delivery to save money
View Product
1KILO 2-Ply Knee Sleeves

1KILO 2-Ply Knee Sleeves

  • Designed by weightlifter and coach Wil Fleming
  • 2 layers of fabric
  • Proprietary fabric with stretch and support
  • Great blend of compression and mobility
  • IWF-legal
  • Pull tabs for easily putting them on
View Product

Pros & Cons

2 Blocks

Biltong tenderloin beef ribs
bresaola turkey leberkas shankle
spare ribs bacon tongue meatloaf jerky landjaeger
bresaola turkey leberkas shankle
bresaola turkey leberkas shankle
spare ribs bacon tongue meatloaf jerky landjaeger
Biltong tenderloin beef ribs

1 Block

Biltong tenderloin beef ribs
bresaola turkey leberkas shankle
spare ribs bacon tongue meatloaf jerky landjaeger
bresaola turkey leberkas shankle
bresaola turkey leberkas shankle
spare ribs bacon tongue meatloaf jerky landjaeger
Biltong tenderloin beef ribs

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Biltong tenderloin beef ribs bresaola turkey leberkas shankle spare ribs bacon tongue meatloaf jerky landjaeger.

Biltong tenderloin beef ribs
bresaola turkey leberkas shankle
spare ribs bacon tongue meatloaf jerky landjaeger
bresaola turkey leberkas shankle
bresaola turkey leberkas shankle
spare ribs bacon tongue meatloaf jerky landjaeger
Biltong tenderloin beef ribs


Style 1

Kevin pork chop fatback meatball alcatra jerky, turkey burgdoggen pork meatloaf tail filet mignon.

Bacon ipsum dolor

Style 2

Kevin pork chop fatback meatball alcatra jerky, turkey burgdoggen pork meatloaf tail filet mignon.

Bacon ipsum dolor

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All Reviewed Articles (4 Articles)

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We tried a lot of pre-workouts (and hit a lot of PRs) before landing on this list.

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Title of Video

We tried a lot of pre-workouts (and hit a lot of PRs) before landing on this list.

Title of Video

Title of Video

We tried a lot of pre-workouts (and hit a lot of PRs) before landing on this list.

Title of Video

Title of Video

We tried a lot of pre-workouts (and hit a lot of PRs) before landing on this list.

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